Sunday, January 20, 2013

Skinny Porn

Speaking of masturbation...
[see yesterday's post]
I'll be the first to admit that:
I love porn.
I tend to use it as a distractionary tool
like when I had a big paper due in college...
I wasted my first hour of "research time"
watching porn.
And once I'd used up all 5 free-views
[recently I've switched to redtube]
I'd decide it was time to actually do work.
I rarely watch a whole video.
And I rarely turn up the volume.
Oddly enough,
I like to scroll through the categories
looking at the photo previews
and trying to find my favorite, skinny girls.

...Sex can make or break
how skinny I feel.
If I'm feeling tiny and I bend&flex in bed
I feel more motivated to stay tiny.
If I'm feeling chunky or sloppy,
I don't feel sexy and don't want to have sex...

This girl is tiny.
And this page is bookmarked.


  1. Ha I am loving this honest post. Funny enough I never put the volume up either...? lol xx

  2. so silly, right? it's almost like it's "less dirty" if I don't listen... ;D glad someone can relate.
